Welcome to Rside YA!

We are a community where everyone belongs and many believe. So come as you are! 

Get Connected
Monday nights

We want to bring all the young adults together and experience revival in worship, God's Word, small group discussions, and community connections. Come meet other young adults who are recent grads, college students, or between the ages of 18-30 years old. 

We get together on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 7 - 9 pm (usually in the Chapel at Riverside, occasionally off-site) to build friendships, grow in your faith and experience revival. 

Contact YA Director for more info.

To keep updated follow us on Instagram!

Or check out our FALL 2024 schedule Here


Extreme Air Park

We are heading to Extreme Air Park on February 17th from 7 - 9pm. 

It'll be $29 per person for the two hours with the group rate and we'll have a lot of fun!

We will be meeting there! Contact your friends to see about car pooling!

If you want to come please register HERE!